Roles &Responsibilities of President shall be as follows:
· President shall be the Chairperson of the All India AlumniAssociation and Executive Committee and shall direct
· all transactions with the help of committee.
· He shall preside all the meetings.
Vice - President
Roles &Responsibilities of President shall be as follows:
· The association shall also have a Vice-President who shallpreside the meetings of the Association in the absence of the President.
· The Vice-President may be assigned specific tasks andfunctions by the Executive Committee.
Roles &Responsibilities of Secretary shall be as follows:
· To draft the minutes of all meetings to be correctlyrecorded, confirmed and kept.
· To convene the meetings in consultation with the President.
· To have charge of all correspondence, records etc.
· To exercise general control over all matters relating toobjectives and programs of the association.
· To maintain roles of all the members.
· To maintain liaison with other associations and members ofthe All India Alumni Association.
· To maintain and run office and be empowered to employ staffas may be authorized by the committee.
· Any other matter delegated to him/her by executivecommittee/general bod
Joint Secretary
Roles &Responsibilities of Joint Secretary shall be as follows:
To supervise programs of the association asdecided by the association/committee.
· To organize activities as may be decided by the association/committee.
· To prepare budgets for the programs and activities.
· To report the progress to the Secretary.
· During the absence of the Secretary, he/she shall perform the duties ofthe Secretary.
· Any other matter as delegated to him by the Executive Committee.
Roles &Responsibilities of Treasurer shall be as follows:
· To collect the subscription due and payable and report tothe association/committee on all the financial matters.
· To complete annual statements of A/C and to place the samebefore the association/committee/general body.
· To submit statements of the A/C to the Secretary.
· To disburse the funds as directed by the ExecutiveCommittee.
· To prepare the budget.
· Any other related matter.
Executive Members
Roles &Responsibilities of Executive Committee Members shall be as follows:
· The members of the committee are to assist the ExecutiveCommittee and its sub-committee as may be formed with regard to programs and activatesof the association.